Thursday, April 30, 2009

I forgot what this was like :)

I have been tending my friends daughter who is 3 months old this week, and I seem to have forgotten what it was like to have a small baby around! No it hasn't changed my mind about wanting another one or anything like that. I just forgot about how different your life is with a little one around. For she had her first "blowout". Poop was all up her back, on her pjs and on her blanket. Luckily I have some dreft for when the kids eczema acts up, so I got everything thrown in the wash and I cleaned her up. Thank goodness at this age it doesn't stink! I also forgot how often babies poop. My friend is pumping, so I know with breastfed babies it is worse but it's like 6 times a day! Then of course all the extra attention with having to feed them and burp them. She is such a smiley baby, and I love having her around though so all the extra work is completely worth it!!! My kids love having her around too! They sit and talk to her and do everything they can to try to make her smile at them :) They will love it when we have a baby around here again! When she left last night Tasia looked at me with her sad face and said "Mom I'm going to miss Boston!" I assured her she would be back the next day, so she could see her but I thought it was cute that she likes having her here so much she misses her when she leaves.

Other than that nothing new is going on around here. It's all tending, baseball, softball and trying to keep things in order around the house. Last night was the first week night in a while that we had nothing to do, so we watched Bride Wars, America's Next Top Model and The Uninvited (that show takes a VERY unexpected twist at the end!). Anth finished his training for his job at the depot yesterday, and starts his actual job today just in time for the weekend! He makes it sound like it's a piece of cake job, so I am happy for him. Oh and we found out that he's going to be making a little more than we thought because he gets hazard pay on top of his regular hourly wage. My mom came over the other night and helped us figure out insurance stuff, because she does medical billing so she knows which companies are good and which ones will fight us on every little thing we go in for. I thought it wouldn't start until he'd been there 3 months, but it actually starts the pay period after we submit his stuff. YAY!!!! I am stressing about bills and stuff right now, but once is paychecks start coming in we will finally be on our way to being financially stable! That's all I have ever wanted. I don't care about being rich. I don't care if we live in a mansion. All I want is to have a home big enough for our family, be able to pay our bills and get the things we need without worrying if we have enough and to have a little left over for the fun things we want to do. That's not too much to ask is it?!?! Ok well in the economy right now it might be, but hopefully that starts to look up sooner rather than later so that it isn't to much to ask :)

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