Monday, March 9, 2009

My loving husband!

I just wanted to take this time to let everyone know how amazing my husband is. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world! Anth shows me so much love and support, and in the beginning of our relationship I wasn't sure how to take it (if you know about my past relationships you know why). He will just tell me at random times throughout the day how he loves me so much and how he can't believe how lucky he is. He lets me know that he thinks I am beautiful, and he tells me all the time the little things he appreciates and finds sexy about me. It's not just his random acts of love that I appreciate so much though. I love that he is so helpful with our kids! It's no secret that biologically he isn't Sydney or Dominic's dad, but in every other aspect he is. He is there for them more than their "sperm donors" have EVER been. He has taken them both on as his own, and he treats them no different than he treats Tasia. He shows them so much love and support, and I don't know where we would be without him. Anthony is also very helpful in doing the housework. I used to be the one who did it all (since he was working), but since he lost his job he has stepped up and helped so much. Since I have been working (even though it's from home) he has been the one who does most of the cleaning around the house. The week I went to training he was so great! He not only took care of our kids making sure homework was done, they were fed, bathed and put to bed on time, but he also took care of the 2 kids I was tending for part of the day since I had to leave before their mom got home. I could probably go on forever, but I suppose I will stop here. I just want my husband and everyone else to know that I love him with all my heart and soul, and that my life wouldn't be complete if I didn't have him right here by my side :)

1 comment:

Hayley said...

Isn't having a good husband nice? And it really takes knowing some assholes to fully appreciate it.

Oh yeah, you heard right. It kinda took all I had to not snap at her when she told me who she was, but I figure... if Jeremy is as dumb as I think he is, she may be Cade's step-grandma at some point! GAG

Then again, it took all I had not to say "Wow, this house smells like whore" when Brandi was at the door. My self-restraint impresses even me.