Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hoax or not???

My cousin is telling me that this Walmart thing is a hoax, and that it has been spread in a few different areas. I am not willing to risk it, so I will just stay home. Even if it is a hoax what kind of sick person would make something like that up just to scare people! All I know is that it's ridiculous no matter what, and that if it isn't a hoax I am glad I have done what I needed to spread the word to everyone I know because I would NEVER forgive myself if something happened to someone I could've easily let know about it!


Hayley said...

I'm sorry but if some thirteen-year-old poser, wanna be gang banger piece of crap wants to mess with me in my condition, they're going to get a rude awakening!

I do think it's a hoax though. People start this crap all the time.

Hayley said...

You know, Gaje is actually pretty little... well, in Hunter family terms! He's about average. Diesel is still a bulldozer.