Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Toddlers in tiaras

Have any of you watched this show??? I have watched it a few times now, and have continued to be shocked! Don't get me wrong I think beauty pagents can be a fun experience for kids, but some of these mom's and dad's even go so far with it. There was a little girl on one that I watched that was 2, and when she got 1st attendant instead of being happy for her and congratulating her her dad told her "You didn't win anything. You weren't good enough" Talk about lack of encouragement! Whatever happened to kids trying their best, and just being proud of them for having the courage to get out there and do it. I mean obviously you want your child to win queen or some sort of prize, but to tell your child she wasn't good enough when she got 1st attendant is not right. Then last night I was watching and one mom bought these things called flippers for her daughter. Her daughter had lost her 2 front teeth as all children do, and she didn't think it looked good so she did a mold and had fake teeth made for her daughter. On that same show another mother had said that the most recent dress she purchased for her 5 year old was $2,000! I didn't even spend that much on my wedding dress! She's 5!!! I can't even imagine. Anyway...I just had to rant and rave about how overboard some people go. No I'm not against beauty pagents by any means. I have even considered doing them with my girls. I think it can be a great way to spend mother/daughter time when you're getting ready for it. I also think kids can learn from all the stuff that you have to do for beauty pagents, but I can't imagine looking at my 2 year old and telling her she wasn't good enough just because she didn't get that "queen" title :(


~Ali~ said...

Yeah...send me some of them...that would be a good suggestion too! Thanks!!

♥Andrea said...

I totally agree! Nick and I watch that show and everytime I am more shocked. And thanks again fr the darling bows! Right when we got in the car Presley had to wear one. They are so cute I love them!

Hayley said...

BWAHAHAHAHA!!! I just posted about this same show on my blog! And I completely agree with you! I'm way more mean than you are, though. That's probably not a good thing.

Hayley said...

Oh John is the same way. Then again, he complains about anything that doesn't involve spaceships and aliens and intergalactic warfare, so there you go!

This probably sounds REALLY bad, but most of those moms were really kind of trashy in that southern trailer park tornado-watchin' kind of way... even the rich Mexican lady from CA that spent the 2K on that ridiculous dress. I'm just sayin'!