Friday, February 20, 2009

A significant other tag....

I did this on my facebook page, but I will do it on here too just for Hayley....

What are your middle names?
Anthony Jay and Angela Michelle

How long have you been together?
Almost 5 years, but the first 2 years weren't consistent

How long did you know each other before you started dating?
We started hanging out from the day we were set up, so it was right away

Who asked whom out?
We didn't really ask each other out. We just slowly started having talks about how we felt about each other. Anth did try to use some cheesy little line or something on me the first night though lol

How old are both of you?
We're both 26. I am a whole month older than him, and he never lets me live it down

Whose siblings do you see the most?
Probably mine, because they live closer. We do hang out with his brother and his wife quite a bit though

Which situation is hardest on you as a couple?
Disciplining the kids. I think he is too strict, and he thinks I am a pushover. I think we both need to find a happy medium

Did you go to the same school?
Yes and no. He went to Judge Memorial the first 3 years of high school, and I was at Tooele High at that time. He came to Tooele High our senior year, but starting second semester of senior year I went on homestudy

Are you from the same hometown?
No. I grew up in North Ogden for the most part, and he is from Tooele

Who is smarter?
We both have subjects that we are smarter than the other in

Who is the most sensitive?
That would definitely be me. He is a lot more sensitive than he used to be when I first met him though

Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Probably La Frontera

Where is the furthest you 2 have traveled as a couple?
We went to Starvation this past summer. It's only like 3 hours away I think, so not very far

Whose EXes are the craziest?
Mine...hands down!

Who has the worst temper?
HIM! It takes a lot for me to lose my temper

Who does the cooking?
When he was working I did, but since he has been laid off we share

Who is the neat freak?
It's kind of a toss up, because we both like things really clean around here

Who is more stubborn?
We both are, but he will admit he's wrong long before I ever will

Who hogs the bed?
HIM!!! He sleeps at a diagonal, and half the time he is laying on my pillow with me

Who wakes up earlier?
Right now me, but as soon as Anth starts his job at the Depot he will be

Where was your first date?
It's really sad, but I don't really remember. When we first started hanging out we always just hung out at my house or at our friends

Who is more jealous?
Neither of us used to be, but lately he has had a bit of a jealous streak in him

How long did it take to get serious?
About 2 years. He wasn't sure if he was ready to settle down yet, and since I had 2 kids already I was looking to settle down and be a family

Who eats more?
He does

Who does the laundry?
I do, but this past week he has been helping out quite a bit

Who is better with the computer?
I am, but only because he doesn't get on it enough to learn new things about it. If he can download his music and check his emails he is happy

Who drives when you are together?
He does most of the time. I hate to drive if I don't have to.

I tag anyone who wants to do this....

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