Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What a rip off!!!!!

Last night there was a little bit of an incident....Dom was at my sister's house playing with my nephew and apparently SOMEONE threw rocks at her back window in her car, and it was shattered. The frustrating part is that neither of them have the same story, so we are both having to pay for it. While we were there helping her clean up she called a company called Safelite about fixing it for her, and the original quote they gave her was $409!!! She put him on hold for a few to talk to us about it, and when she got back to him she said that was a lot of money and we were going to check around a few other places. So what does the guy say..."Well I can give it to you for $370" Um excuse me if it's that easy to lower the price why don't they just start off with that! They think that they can just screw people out of an extra $40 basically, and that nobody is going to question it. Unfortunately this crooked company happens to be the least expensive, so we are going to go with them but I think it's BS that companies can screw people like that! Maybe we should all start saying things cost too much, and we can get a lower price that easily.


Hayley said...

That's what John does. He's the Bargaining King. Sometimes it's frustrating. Like, when you decide to buy a car at eleven a.m. and you're still waiting for him to finish talking them down at 6 p.m., and you've been chasing a toddler around the car lot ALL DAMN DAY.

But it works!

Melissa said...

I stumbled on your blog hope you don't should tell her to try technaglass...they are way cheaper.

Mark and Bethany said...

Wow, that sucks, I am so sorry! My son and nephew would totally do something like that, and of course, no one saw the same thing! I've had really good experiences with Technaglass and they weren't nearly that expensive.