Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas! (Long post!)

My family and I had a great Christmas this year! Christmas Eve was full of baking. We made the cake for Jesus, baked cookies for Santa and I made a ham dinner for my family. We went to my parents at 8, and opened Christmas pjs! Everyone got some really cute stuff. The kids changed at my mom's, so that as soon as they got home they could brush teeth and go straight to bed so Santa could come. Then, of course, all the work starts for mom and dad! I had to get a breakfast casserole put together that sits overnight. Anth and I had to wrap presents, because we hadn't wrapped a single one yet. Halfway through wrapping Anthony decided he was going to get the kitchen cleaned for me. We finally went to bed about 12:30 or 1.

At about 5:30 the next morning my mom sent a text and said she was on her way to our house to watch the kids open gifts. She had told us that she was coming when my dad left for work, but neither of us really believed her until Christmas Eve when she was still insisting that she'd be knocking on our door VERY early! When she got here we went and woke the kids up, and they were so excited they could hardly stand it. Sydney and Dominic both got a Nintendo DS, and that was their absolute favorite gift! Tasia got a 8 piece doll set that has a playpen, carseat, stroller, high chair, swing and more. She seemed to think that the playpen was for her to lay in, because that's where she spent half the morning. After gifts we did breakfast and orange julius'. We usually do those at my parents, but since my dad was on days we did it here. My mom went home around 9:30, and the kids starting getting tired. Eventually we all ended up napping, because we never would have made it the rest of the day without. We had dinner at my parents at 6:30. Some of you know that I made my dad a scrapbook of my grandma (the 19 year anniversary of her death was December 23rd), and I also made one for my aunt so my cousins could give it to her. Well my aunt got hers first, and my cousin said she took one look at the first page and started bawling! Hearing that made me nervous to give it to my dad. I know that guys are tougher and not as big of criers as us women, but still it was an emotional gift! My dad did good though. He loved it! He told my mom later that he had to choke back tears when he looked through it. I was completely stressed out while I was making it, and my house went a little neglected but knowing that it meant that much to him made it all worthwhile!

Today Anthony and I got a wild hair around 2, and we decided we were going to drive into Salt Lake to spend our gift cards. Yes the snow was horrible on 201, and seriously where were the snow plows?!?!?! Aren't they suppose to be on standby for storms, because it didn't look like they had even been plowed since the storm last night! We went to Jordan Landing, because lucky for us all the stores we needed are there. So we spent our gift cards, finally found the kids snowsuits and boots after looking at 5 different stores and now we are home and the kids are all tucked into bed! I just hope they sleep in tomorrow, because I am exhausted after the last few busy days we've had!

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