Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Busico family Christmas party

This past weekend we had our annual Busico family Christmas party! These parties are always interesting, and anyone who has ever been to them knows what I mean. This year we decided we had outgrown everones houses, so we had it at the Senior Citizens Center. Of course we started the party by eating lots of yummy food (lasagna, meatballs, Italian sausage, salads, rolls, sweets and more). Then it was time to play games! The kids played a game where you seperate them in 2 teams, put vaseline on their face and they have to run up one at a time and stick their face in a bowl of cotton balls. It makes it look like they have a beard like santa. Then whoever has the most cotton balls at the end wins! It's pretty funny to watch, and I feel for them because I could never stand to have the vaseline on my face! Then they played musical chairs. We seperated into 2 groups for that too, because we didn't want the little kids to get plowed over by the bigger kids. Then it was the adults turn to play musical chairs! That was hiliarious!!! In the end that one came down to my dad and Matt, and they both got a butt cheek on the chair so they called it a tie and each of them got a gift from the bag. Then of course what would a Christmas party be without SANTA! The kids each got a turn to sit on his lap, and at the end they got a stocking full of gifts and a candy cane. They all loved it! After that everyone got to open the gifts that they got from whoever drew their names. Everyone got lots of fun stuff! It was time to clean up and leave the senior center, but nobody was ready to be done with our fun night so we all went to Matt and Michele's house to continue hanging out. Everyone got a little wild over there, but we had lots of fun and I can't wait for our party next year!!!

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