My dad invited Dom and my nephew to go out ice fishing with him, but my nephew couldn't go so it ended up being just Dom and my dad. Dom LOVED every minute of it!!! My dad called Saturday afternoon and asked if he could just come get Dom that night, so he could sleepover and my dad wouldn't have to wake us up early Sunday morning. My parents picked Dom up at about 7 that night, and headed straight for Walmart. Dom couldn't find his beanie, so my dad decided to buy him a new one and let him pick any beanie he wanted (he chose a GI Joe one). Then they went to the snack aisle, and my dad let Dom pick all the snacks for the next day. Once they got to my parents my dad made popcorn and let Dom chose some cartoons to watch until bedtime. The woke up early in the morning, got ready and headed to McDonald's for breakfast, and then they were off to Vernon. They spent all day out on the ice, and Dom still wasn't ready to come home. My dad drilled him his own hole to fish through, and Dom caught about 8 fish himself but most of them were to small to keep so they put them back. When they headed home they stopped at my parents again, so my dad could show Dom how to gut his fish. Fun huh lol My little man is pretty proud of himself, and can't wait to go fishing again. If the weather is good they are going out next Saturday. Here is a picture of Dom's first fish he's ever caught....
Love it! That one on one time is awesome, so glad he was able to go!!
What a fun day for him! And you get to prepare the fish, huh?? *GAG*
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