Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Potty training time!!!

Since Tasia just turned 2 this past month I decided we need to start potty training. I am sick of buying diapers and changing them for that matter. Sydney was potty trained long before now. I have worked with Tasia on it a little, but I decided to really step up the game. I have put her in nothing but panties for the last 2 days. Yesterday was a little frustrating, but I know it's a learning process. We had accidents all day except for right before bed. Anth and I made sure to make a very big deal out of her going on the potty. She put a sticker on her potty chart, and she got a little treat (very little treat since it was bedtime LOL). Then we had her call my mom, so that grandma could make a big deal about her going potty too. Today we have had a little more progress. I need to go buy more panties for her, because we only have one pack so I am constantly washing panties. It's exciting, but sad. My baby is growing up so fast!

Actually all 3 of my kids are growing up! We went to the school today to find out who Syd's 3rd grade teacher is. She'll start school on the 21st. Dom has kindergarten testing next week, and he will start school on the 26th. I'm sure I am going to bawl my eyes out! Now my baby is about to be potty trained. Life moves so fast! I'm glad I get to be home with them, so I can be here every step of the way :)

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