Monday, April 4, 2011

Still hanging in there...

We are 8 days away from our sweet baby girl's due date, and I am feeling it lol I tried going and having a pedicure, because I had heard it can put you in labor but all I got out of that was cute toes :) I am still contracting a lot, but according to my dr it isn't doing much. I am thinned out, but not quite dialated to a 1 (as of this past Friday). My heart has decided to play tricks on us, so we are constantly monitoring it. I have a bit of an irregular heartbeat, and it has been beating really fast. My dr says it's normal, but if it gets up to 120 then call him. The highest it has gotten so far is 111, and let me tell you it's not a pleasant feeling. I am pretty sure this little girl is sitting right on my pelvis, because I can barely move most days. My funny mom tried to tell me to get on my treadmill today to try and get contractions moving, but she is up in the night! Anth is pretty sure I will have her before the end of the week. I am starting to feel like she will never come, and that I am going to raise a toddler in my stomach but I know that isn't true. Sorry I know I have done a lot of complaining lately, but if pregnancy gets worse with each one I don't know how people keep having kids. I swear soon you guys will get all the sweet, mushy stories of our new baby girl, and it'll make up for all of the complaints you've so patiently sat through recently. I bought Castor Oil, and am considering taking that tomorrow night. We shall see. It worked with Tasia, so I am hoping it'll work with Bella if it comes down to that. Wish me luck!


Hayley said...

Bah! I'm excited! Can't wait to see pics!

Meplusthree said...

Dont you worry all the pain will be worth it I could hardly walk with the boys and had really bad pelvis pain!!! But as soon as they were out I already wanted another one HAHA...yeah right! "Come on Bella dont be shy!" :)

~Ali~ said...

EWWWWW Castor Oil is soooo nasty!!! You know what else works??? You two need to get you know...dirty! haha Supposedly it helps to soften and upset the cervix and can start some stuff up. But I am always the end of the day, if baby and your body aren't ready...then it won't work. I hated when people told me that. Have fun, get some good stuff out of it while you can and let us know ASAP when you go to the hospital! mmmmkay? Love ya!

The Quintana Family said...

Everyone keeps telling me that same thing Ali lol My own mom told me she wanted me to get her out, so go have sex with my husband lol I will keep everyone posted :) Love ya!