Monday, May 3, 2010


Not a lot to say lately. We are getting closer to Anth's surgery, and he is starting to get nervous. Truthfully so am I. Our stupid washer isn't working now. I probably should've expected it since we bought them at the same time. It will fill up with water and it will drain, but it won't spin. We have been spending a lot of time with our families lately. Last weekend my parents fed us both Saturday and Sunday. It was nice to not have to worry about figuring out dinner and cleaning up dinner for a whole 2 days. Yesterday my mother-in-law came out to hang out at our house for a little bit, and she ordered us pizza for dinner. It has been a nice relaxing couple of weekends. Anth cleaned the house for me yesterday, so other than load the dishes and get kids ready for the day I am kind of lost on what to do. I'm not complaining though. It is definitely nice!!! Oh I do have a birthday party to plan. We are doing Syd's birthday party this weekend, because the weekend after her birthday Anth will have just had his surgery and won't be up for company. Syd isn't sure what kind of cake she wants, because she has decided she is too old for character cakes. She wants something more teenagerish (if that's even a word). I still can't believe in just over a week she is going to be 10!

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