Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hope everyone is having a good day!

I am new to this blogging stuff, so I hope you will all bear with me. I have seen people doing this, and always wanted to get a page of my own. It's nice to be able to just update everyone what is going on in out family. Right now Anthony is working in Dugway, but he is being moved to a job in Provo and I am not very excited about it. He will be working longer hours than he is now, and I already feel like we don't get to see him enough. Plus all the other guys are going to sleep in hotels all week. Can you imagine that?! I know I can't. I would hate to have him gone 5 days a week!!! I would feel like a single mom again. He says the company is going to get him a company truck to drive back and forth between Provo and here, so he doesn't have to stay out there though. I don't know how some of them are doing it. Their wives are going to go crazy I'm sure! Well sorry to vent on everyone for my very first blog, but this just happens to be the main thing on my mind right now. Hope everyone is having a good day!

1 comment:

Carters said...

YEAH I am so glad you got one!! That is terrible about him having to be gone all the time, I know how you feel, I hate when Andy has to leave on deployment and all his training.