Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Is this year over yet???

Ok so 2010 really has been a year full of bad luck for us, and last night added to the long list of things that have happened. Yesterday at recess Syd was standing on a platform waiting her turn for the monkey bars when a kid ran by and accidentally pushed her off. She landed funny on her leg and couldn't straighten it or put any pressure on it, so I took her to Dr Gould's after hours clinic. I had to take her to the hospital, and my parents came to help me since I can't carry her around and Anth had to stay home with the other kids. After looking at the x-rays the dr told us it looks like a tendon tore and pulled some bone away from her knee. Ouch huh! She's in a brace and on crutches, and after the radiologist confirms it we have to take her to see an orthopedic surgeon :(

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