So clearly posting constant updates is no longer something I am good at. Life continues to be incredibly chaotic for us, but what can we expect with four kids?! We would have 5 as of next month, but God felt that it wasn't the right time I guess, because at 10 weeks pregnant I suffered a miscarriage. The kids were heartbroken, and still ask questions to this day. It will happen when it's suppose to though. We are continuing to deal with health issues with Anth. A week ago yesterday he had his first seizure ever. It was the scariest thing I have ever witnessed in my life. We were at a family party in the park. We did our best to keep the kids from seeing anything, but we did have to transport him to the hospital by ambulance, and that alone scared the kids. At this point we aren't sure what caused it. They are testing him for seizure disorders to try to figure it out. He has an MRI on his brain Thursday, and they will also be doing a sleep deprived EEG. They said sleep deprivation will either trigger a seizure or at least seizure activity in his brain if it is a seizure disorder. We are trying to get everything done in the next 30 days, because Anth was laid of last Thursday and his insurance will be ending. The kids are all doing really well. Bella just turned two, and still has so much personality and attitude. You never know what's going to come out of her mouth. The other day she told me her damn phone wasn't working lol I shouldn't laugh, but it caught me off guard! She's still advanced for her age. She speaks better than some four year olds. She can carry full conversations. She knows her ABC's and can count to almost 20. Tasia is going to be 7 in just a couple months. She's so much fun too. I swear I am going to go broke buying gifts for all her friend birthday parties she's constantly invited to. I love that other people think she's just as sweet as I do though. Tasia does really well academically. She's reading above her grade level, and she loves every minute of school. Dominic is still as sweet as ever. He also does well in school. He has been on the honor roll every term this school, and he strives to be on it. He's doing baseball again, and loving every minute of it. He is pitching this year! Sydney is going to be 13 next month. I can't believe it! She is involved in soccer and the school play. She is one busy woman, and I love watching her do her thing! She can't decide how she feels about junior high, because some little brat has been determined to make it hell for her. The school district is involved now though, so hopefully that changes. Otherwise we are just dealing with everyday life. We have an exciting trip to California planned the first week of June. I can't wait! My cousin is getting married, and we are going to Disneyland. The kids and Anth have never been, so it'll be so much fun! I hope all of you are doing well also. I hope to see some updates soon :)