Thursday, February 17, 2011

Update on Anth

Anth went back to the dr last Friday to have his blood pressure checked again, and his dr decided to put him on a medication that had 2 medcines in one pill to try to give his blood pressure a boost in getting lower. It seemed to be working well, but when I took his bp Sunday night it was clear down to 100/50! Apparently he has no in between which is a little frustrating. We had to go back into the dr again Monday morning, and they took him off of the stronger pill and put him back on the original pill he was taking. Now the stupid thing is back up. It's not quite as bad as it was (it's 157/102), but it still needs to come down. I guess we'll just have to be patient, but Anth is having a hard time with that because they won't let him back on a forklift at work until it's 140/90 and he hates busy work!

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